• 日本語
  • 児玉隼人
    「題名のない音楽会」「クラシック音楽館」「日曜日の初耳学」「スッキリ」「沼にハマってきいてみた」「芸能人格付けチェック」など、多くのテレビ番組に出演している。トランペットを松田次史、辻本憲一の両氏に師事。他にも、ラインホルト・フリードリヒ、イエルーン・ベルワルツ、セルゲイ・ナカリャコフ、ガヴォール・タルケヴィー、クリストファー・マーティンの各氏など、著名な奏者のレッスンやマスタークラスを多数受講。2024年度ヤマハ音楽支援制度奨学生。第7回服部真二音楽賞《Rising Star》を受賞。2025年2月にはイープラス・ミュージックよりデビューアルバムとなる『Reverberate』をリリース。
    Born in 2009 in Kushiro, Hokkaido. Began playing the cornet at the age of five and started studying the trumpet seriously at nine.

    In 2024, at the 39th Japan Wind and Percussion Competition, won 1st place in the trumpet category as the youngest winner in the history of all categories. Also received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award and the Governor of Tokyo Award, along with the Grand Prize (Prime Minister’s Award).

    Additionally, has won 1st place or the highest award in every competition participated in since the age of ten, including the Japan Junior Wind and Percussion Competition, Japan Classical Music Competition, Shimoda International Music Competition, and Osaka International Music Competition.

    Has performed with Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Sapporo Symphony Orchestra, Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra, Gunma Symphony Orchestra, Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra, Osaka Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra, and more.

    Has appeared on numerous television programs, including Untitled Concert, Classical Concert Hall, Sunday Learning, Sukkiri, Diving into Enthusiasm, and Celebrity Rating Check.

    Studied trumpet under Tsugufumi Matsuda and Kenichi Tsujimoto. Also attended masterclasses and lessons with renowned musicians such as Reinhold Friedrich, Jeroen Berwaerts, Sergei Nakariakov, Gábor Tarkövi, and Christopher Martin.

    A 2024 Yamaha Music Scholarship recipient and the winner of the 7th Shinji Hattori Music Award “Rising Star”.

    In February 2025, will release a debut album, Reverberate, from eplus music.
